Author: Darren Hendricks

Challenges and Opportunities for Evangelism

Challenges and Opportunities for Evangelism Evangelism may have a checkered history, but rightly understood it could be exactly what we need today. by Priscilla Pope-Levison“What if evangelism is one of the things that our world needs most?” Brian McLaren’s penetrating question offers an apt avenue to launch this essay. His question takes us on a […]

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9 Strategies for Meeting People and Learning Their Needs

9 Strategies for Meeting People and Learning Their NeedsStreet ministry is simply walking around where people are hanging out and inviting them people into conversation.By Elizabeth Mae Magill Street ministry is simply walking around in areas where people are hanging out, inviting people into conversation where they are. Here are some things we learned through […]

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The church exists to evangelize

The church exists to evangelizeEvangelization involves our being agents of the Holy Spirit in helping people have a profound experience of Jesus and his love.By Archbishop William E. Lori In 1975 Blessed Pope Paul VI, issued a landmark document, “Evangelii Nuntiandi” (“Evangelization in the Modern World”). Drawing together the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, […]

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